Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words…have the power to damage me forever! The experiences I have had in my family, at school, and around my friends have influenced the way I see myself. The messages I have received since I was a child, have given me my identity. The words that have been […]
Love Note
How I Sleep-Trained My Baby
First weeks of life are tough for a newborn! After almost 1 year in a 5-star hotel, warm and cosy, with food and everything at your own discretion, you are thrown out into the cold cruel world, filled with noise and light and uncounted images you have never seen before. You find yourself alone. Mummy’s […]
Breastfeeding, a Blessing or a Curse?
When preparing for the arrival of my baby I got informed about the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby and the new mum, so I was aware that: breast milk contains antibodies that help the baby fight off viruses and bacteria breastfeeding lowers the baby’s risk of having asthma or allergies babies who are breastfed exclusively […]
Overcoming My Greatest Fear – Childbirth
I have always wanted to have a baby. It was a dream of mine. It was an idea that collided with my deepest, greatest fear – the fear of childbirth! (My fear was becoming a phobia: tokophobia!) So when my wish actually materialised and I got pregnant, the first thought that struck me was: I have to […]
The Messier, the Happier
Play is the highest form of research. (Albert Einstein) As I walked into the playground with my 15-month-old, I saw a mother immediately picking up her child and storming out. It seemed personal to me, so I wondered what prompted it her to avoid us. I looked at my son. He had some mud on his shoes […]
Healthy Lifestyle and Paleo Banana Bread
A healthy lifestyle translates into a healthy and happy family and this is what we all want, isn’t it? Rest, healthy food habits, hydration, exercise, stress management, and education are areas of our lives we have to work on in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Changing my bad eating habits has been a challenge! I […]
Life with a Newborn: Expectations vs Reality
Having a baby is a unique experience for each and every family! We all have different expectations, and your reality is just your baby’s and yours. When I was expecting my baby, everything was so new and exciting! There was a completely new life ahead of me – a life I had previously only dreamed […]