So, the other night (by night I mean 8pm, when I usually go to bed because…young kids, bad sleepers and need for some rest) I could not fall asleep! And don’t get me wrong, that was not because I wasn’t exhausted enough. Too many wiring thoughts running through my head!
My husband was still working on something on his computer in the lounge room. I get a text. From him. From the other room. On my phone.
“Hey, babe! Are you sleeping?”
How does he still do that after all these years, I don’t know. He always knows when I struggle. Even if I try to hide it.
“Can’t sleep.” I said.
“What are you thinking about?” he inquired.
“I’m afraid I’m messing up our kids.” I confessed.
“What makes you say that?”
This is where I couldn’t hold back my tears.
“Do you want to know what our 2,5year old said to me today? <Mama, you are not being very nice to me!> And he was right! I’m losing my patience sometimes and I feel like he doesn’t listen unless I’m raising my voice.”
I remind you this conversation took place via text messages.
Next thing I know The One was next to me, staring at me in the dark, with tissues in his hand.
How does he still do that after all these years, I don’t know. He always knows when I struggle. Even if I try to hide it.
“You know what honey? You are not! You are not messing them up!”
“How do you know that?”
“It’s because you think you are messing them up!”
“Worrying about being a bad mum proves that you are a good mum!”
And that’s how he lifted me up. Again. Like he always does. He’s my rock! The best partner, best friend, best father to our boys, … simply the best!
Happy Father’s Day, my love!
We love you the most!
I just love your story Aly 🙂 You are so blessed